Thursday, March 5, 2009


There are not enough islands of time in the way I live today. One of the most satisfying things I can do is to simply sit and talk with someone who is as interested as I am in discussing anything at all without reservation.
The pace is too frantic. I get bulletins. It may be weeks before I get to complete my thought on something and find that I was misunderstood at the beginning. And as Nina Simone told us; there's nothing worse.
I find kindred souls who are as engaged as I am in rowing the boat, bailing out the water, and fighting off the sharks. It can take us a year to find that we both like lime punch; never mind actually getting time to share one. Conversations of truth and loyalty and love and longing take a back seat to a few quick words about the best way to kill a shark. Even cavemen fighting tigers found time to paint on the wall.

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